Sunday, March 25, 2012

Prim goes back in time

Did you know that there are dinosaurs in Orange County?  Well, there are.  And I ain't talking about the ones stuck in tar.  A couple of weeks ago, Prim came face to face with one of these dinosaurs.  Not surprisingly, she merely smiled at the T-Rex's ferociousness.  


We all know that elves travel by magic, but who knew that they could travel back to a different era?!

But wait, were there boats and houses in the land before time?  

If she didn't go back in time, then Prim must have been at Balboa Island.  Balboa Island, if you didn't know, is a community in Newport Beach where walking paths give you breathtaking harbor views on one side and a glimpse of Orange County opulence on the other.  Folks, the homes are amazing.  And occasionally these gorgeous homes feature random dinosaurs in their front yards.  This explains the above photos.        

I was at Balboa Island, too, of course.  And so were Kendra and Hilary.  Hi ladies! 

Talk about going back in time, Kendra and Hilary and I were all college roommates.  They're the two funnest friends a girl could ask for.  If Prim had been around during our college days, she would have enjoyed many a Slurpee run to 7-11 at 2:00am and screamed with us as we watched Lost.  On second thought, I don't think Prim could have handled such wild behavior.

Sam walked around Balboa Island with us, too.  I'm not quite sure what to make of the look he's giving Prim.  I'll bet that, in one way or another, he's thinking about food.   

If you've never been to Balboa Island, I highly recommend it.  You can ooh and ahhh over the exquisite houses, sit and enjoy the amazing harbor views, or have your picture taken with a T-Rex.  No time travel necessary. 

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