Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shopping Spree

In every tourist town from Athens to Zihuatanejo you can find keychains, coffee mugs, thimbles, spoons, magnets, hats, and T-shirts to help you remember the good times that you had on that particular trip.  In fact, the word souvenir is the French verb meaning "to remember."  The idea is, every time you look at that shot glass with a cow on it that you got in Amish Country, you say, "Remember all those good times we had in Amish Country?"  I know this because I happen to have that shot glass.

Cabos San Lucas was no exception when it came to the availability of quality keepsakes to be purchased.  And like most humans, elves can't seem to resist the allure of chotchkes from foreign lands.  By the way, did you know that the word chotchkes is Yiddish?  Prim thought it was time this blog had some educational value.

Back in Mexico, Prim also thought it was time she get her hands on some chotchkes. 

Exhibit A: The hand painted oversized margarita glass. 

Exhibit B: The sequined velvet sombrero.         

Exhibit C: The elf-sized version of the sequined velvet sombrero. 

Prim actually convinced me to buy Exhibit C for her.  Once she pointed out how nicely the black velvet complemented her eyelashes, I gave in and paid the $2.00.     

After her big shopping spree, Prim was tuckered out.  It was time for a siesta on the beach. 

That's Spanish for "It was time for a nap on the beach."  

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