Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Now boarding all first class elves...

Prim's decided that it's about time to put a check mark on the ol' bucket list.  Carpe diem.  Gather the rosebuds while she may.  Put first things first.  Strike while the iron is hot.  Eat, drink, and be merry. You get the point.   

So where does an elf go to fulfill all these proverbs? Mexico.  How does an elf get to Mexico?  She takes an airplane, of course.

Flight 232 is now boarding all first class elves...

Prim attempts to make friends with her fellow travelers.  To no avail.
A drink to calm her nerves. 
Prim prefers to travel by magic, not airplane.

Do you need more leg room, Prim?

Wait.  Isn't that weird, for a grown woman such as myself to take an elf on an airplane?  Yes. Yes it is.  It goes without saying.  Truth can be stranger than fiction.  But nothing ventured, nothing gained. 

You get the point.      

1 comment:

  1. Strange? Of course not! I'm sure the flight attendants have seen MUCH stranger things!
