Thursday, May 24, 2012

Prim Knows How to Party

A couple of weeks ago, my big brother got married.  It was a rockabilly lollapalooza of a wedding.  See:

Not pictured: Prim

Prim, of course, couldn't wait to party hardy at the rockstar reception.

She met a number of characters, including a mustachioed bridesmaid and a goateed gentleman:

Then, after hanging out at the bar for a bit, she cheered on some arm wrestlers:

And she even did a keg stand:

 Oh Prim. You are no longer proper, my friend.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Take Your Elf to Work Day, Part 3

Since Take Your Elf to Work Day was an official holiday, Prim got a look at the rarely seen staff areas of the Learning Center. 

Prim is officially in the building:

First stop.  Meeting up with Queen Elizabeth in the Principal Librarian's office.  Notice their matching white gloves.     

Second stop.  Playing around with the copier. 

Third stop.  Hanging out with Hammy, the dancing birthday hamster in the Literacy Coordinator's office. 

Fourth stop.  Break time in the staff lounge. 

Last stop. Admiring the magnets collected by staff members during their world travels. 

Whew!  What a day, Prim.  You must be exhausted.  But maybe the outgoing mail box isn't the best place to rest... 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Take Your Elf to Work Day, Part 2

Whew!  Glad that elevator worked.  It's been working for a while now, but all it took was for the elevator to get stuck twice (about three and a half years ago), and the trusting relationship between elevator and staff has forever been broken. 

Once Prim saw all that there was to see in Literacy Services, she headed downstairs to check out (library pun intended) Bilingual Services.

First, I made her study the library's Rules of Conduct.  She found the one that prohibits patrons from having "bodily hygiene that is offensive and disturbing to others" to be especially entertaining.   

Since none of the rules prohibited Prim from hanging on signs, playing in the book drop, and getting cuddly with some of the displays, that's exactly what she did:

(I spy, with my little eye, something red...)

Obviously there aren't any staff members in the building, and the rules don't say anything about staff areas being off limit to elves, so I wonder where Prim will go next...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Take Your Elf to Work Day, Part 1

Did you know that Wednesday, May 2 was national Take Your Elf to Work day? 

You might want to get yourself an elf so that you can participate in such holidays.

While I was busy working, here's what happened when Prim visited the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center Literacy Services (or CCLLCLS for short, or not so short).

She browsed the books in our collection,

hung out in the computer lab,

rearranged some file cabinets,

learned about her homeland, the North Pole,

and helped herself to some coffee (thank goodness it was decaf!).

Next stop (assuming that the elevator doesn't get stuck), Bilingual Services and the staff offices...