Sunday, December 16, 2012

Remember: Prim might be watching...

It's official.  Prim has dilligently returned to her post as an Elf on the Shelf.  Who she's watching over in our house is up for debate, but Sam sure has been a good dog lately.

In honor of her historic year of being Off the Shelf, here's a little highlight of Prim's escapades in 2012. 

She flew by airplane to Washington, D.C., and Cabo San Lucas...


...she spent some time in Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, and the Jurassic era...

...she went shopping at Ikea in San Diego and antique stores in Lodi...


...she spent the summer at the beach, at the tanning salon, and at country music concerts...



...she went to tea parties and movies and museums and libraries...


...she met some furry, and sort of friendly, canines...



...she finished her degree and fell in love...

...she celebrated a few holidays...



...and she met lots of wonderful new friends along the way. 


So follow Prim's lead and get off the shelf in 2013.  But remember to always behave, because Prim just might be waching...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

It's that time of year...

Well, folks, it's that time of year.  Time for Elves on the Shelves across the world to report back to the North Pole for duty. 

Prim supposes that she's ready to go.  About this time last year, she was looking forward to getting through the crazyness of the Christmas season.  And about this time last year, she was dreaming of all the adventures that she'd have when she finally took the year off from working in the North Pole.  And what a year it's been! 

She's had a great time being off the shelf, enjoying vacations and making new friends.  She's loved her shopping trips to Ikea, taking in a ball game, and partying hard at a country concert.

Oh wait, we haven't told you about those things yet?  Well then the farewells can wait until next time! Prim's still got some adventures to recount. 

Shopping at Ikea:

Ikeas are everywhere, but they are most definitely not in the North Pole.  So Prim wanted to see what all the fuss was about. 

She thought that this bed was too big.

And this bed was too weird. 

But this bed was juuuuuuuust right.

Then Prim thought that this chair was too big.

And that this one was juuuuuuust right.

Taking in a ball game:

What's more enjoyable than the great American pasttime?  Not a whole lot, Prim thinks, since the great American pasttime comes with garlic french fries.  And hot dogs.  And churros.  And cotton candy.  And baseball players in uniforms. 

A country concert:
Prim got to join a fun group of ladies to see Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan when they came to San Diego.  And by "a fun group of ladies," I mean some pretty cool gals that introduced Prim to a lot of American things. 
Like tailgating and beer. 

And cowboy hats and beer.

And good music on a hot summer night. 
And beer.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The last of D.C.

One of the last things that Prim toured in Washington, D.C., was the famous Ford's Theatre, site of Lincoln's assassination. 
A few historical notes (because it's about time Prim told you something educational):
1. After Lincoln's assassination, Ford's Theatre reopened-to the shock and horror of a public that thought performing plays in such a sacred space was disrespectful.  Shortly thereafter, Ford's Theatre closed its doors for good.
2. Ford's Theatre was bought by the U.S. government.  Then the theatre was gutted and turned into government office spaces (because that was more respectful to the Lincoln legacy, obviously).
3. The theatre was eventually restored and made to look like it did in its pre-Lincoln assassination glory days using all the historical records that could be found.  It's now part of the National Park Service, and plays are still performed there.   
4. The only authentic decorations in the theatre itself are a picture of George Washington that was hanging outside the Presiden't box on the night of Lincoln's assassination and a stool inside the theatre box.
Prim ain't in these pictures.  Again, they're solely for educational purposes:

Anyway, back to Prim.  First, she looked through the museum in the basement of the theatre.  It had all sorts of cool things, like the gun that Booth used to shoot Lincoln, Lincoln's blood stained coat, and a display about the events that led up to that fateful night.  Here, Prim is listening in on what these important (and handsome, I might add) men had to say about the final days of the Civil War:

Then it was on to the theatre, where Prim listened and learned all those historical facts that she recounted above:

What an interesting tour, Prim! 

After Ford's Theatre, she went to the National Portrait Gallery, where she was yelled at by security guards and asked to leave because she was hanging on the corner of a frame of a photograph on the wall. 

Those security guards obviously didn't appreciate the fact that an Elf on the Shelf's mission is mischief.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Howl-o-ween!

Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing;
These pictures might give you a fright, 
But that's what Prim loves about Halloween night!